miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

SafiServer and SafiWorkshop (version 1.3RC1) estan disponibles

SafiServer and SafiWorkshop (version 1.3RC1) esta disponibles para la descarga. Se ha arreglado varios bugs encontrados en la version 1.3 Beta

He aquí algunas de los fixes realizados a esta versión:

  • BUG FIX: Issue with SaveAs function

  • BUG FIX: Boolean Editor missing in SafiWorkshop

  • ExecuteApplication: Application property changed to dynamic value

  • Fixed underlying bug with ThreadLocal vars in SafiServer that was causing errors

  • The Linux installer and service scripts are back (tested on CentOS)

thumb_newlinuxinstallerPara instalar el  Linux SafiServer, descomprimimos el archivo descargado en el directorio que querramos:

tar zxfv SafiServer-1.3.0.RC1.tar.gz
Corremos el script de instalación (localizado en el directorio root de  SafiServer)

cd SafiServer-1.3.0./installserver.sh

Deberiamos ver la siguiente información:

Fill in the appropriate information and the service should start automatically. Note: SafiServer startup may take a few minutes. You can verify that the service is running by looking in the karaf.log file (found at my_install_dir/SafiServer-1.3.0/date/log/karaf.out). You should see the following line after the server has started:

Listening on *:4573.

Download now!

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