miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

A Complete Guide to jQuery 1.4 Selector Expressions

En este post publicado en Insic Designs se describe una guía completa de las expresiones de selector en jquery, lo posteo para recordarme de ellos si se me olvidará alguno :P y para todos los buenos amigos que visitan el sitio buscando aprender más.


In jQuery, every action you want to perform requires a target element. In this case, you will relying on its selector expressions. Borrowing from CSS 1–3 and then adding its own, jQuery offers a powerful set of tools for matching a set of elements in a document.

In this post you will learn all the jQuery’s selector expressions. This is really usefull to you if you are a jQuery beginners. And to those advance jQuery users, you are definitely know all of the following.

CSS Selectors

The following selectors are based on the Cascading Style Sheet specifications (1–3), as outlined by the W3C. You can find the information here.

Element (N)

Select all elements that have a tag name of N.


  • $('div') selects all elements with a tag name of div in the document

  • $('p') selects all elements with a tag name of p in the document

JavaScript’s getElementsByTagName() function is called to return the appropriate elements when this expression is used.

ID (#myid)

Select the unique element with an ID equal to myid.


  • $('#myid') selects the unique element with id="myid"

  • $('div#myid') selects a div element with an ID of myid; in other words, the unique element <div id="myid">

Each ID value must be used only once within a document. If more than one element has been assigned the same ID, queries that use that ID will only select the first matched element in the DOM. However, this behavior should not be relied on. A document with more than one element using the same ID is invalid.

Class (.myclass)

Select all elements that have a class of myclass.


  • $('.myclass') selects all elements that have a class of myclass

  • $('p.myclass') selects all paragraphs that have a class of myclass

  • $('.myclass .otherclass') selects all elements that have a class of both myclassand otherclass

For class selectors, jQuery uses JavaScript’s native getElementsByClassName() function if the browser supports it. Otherwise, it checks the .className attribute of each element.

Descendant (E F)

Select all elements matched by F that are descendants of an element matched by E.


  • $('#container p') selects all paragraph elements that are descendants of an element that has an ID of container

  • $('a img') selects all <img> elements that are descendants of an <a> element

Descendants of an element are that element’s children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on. For example, in the following HTML code, the <img> element is a descendant of the <span><p><div id="inner">, and <div id="container"> elements:

Child (E > F)

Select all elements matched by F that are children of an element matched by E.

  • $('li > ul') selects all <ul> elements that are children of an <li> element

  • $('.myclass > code') selects all <code> elements that are children of an element with the class myclass

As a CSS selector, the child combinator is supported by all modern web browsers including Safari, Mozilla/Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Internet Explorer 7 and above; but notably not by Internet Explorer versions 6 and below. The first example is a handy way of selecting all nested unordered lists (that is, except the top level), and jQuery makes it possible to do this in a cross-browser fashion.

Adjacent sibling (E + F)

Select all elements matched by F that immediately follow and have the same parent as an element matched by E.


  • $('ul + p') selects all <p> elements that immediately follow a sibling <ul> element

  • $('#myid + .myclass') selects the element with class="myclass" that immediately follows a sibling element with id="myid"

One important point to consider with both the adjacent sibling combinator (E + F) and the general sibling combinator (E ~ F, covered next) is that they only select siblings.

General sibling (E ~ F)

Select all elements matched by F that follow and have the same parent as an element matched by E.


  • $('ul ~ p') selects all <p> elements that follow a sibling <ul> element

  • $('#myid ~ .myclass') selects all elements with class="myclass" that follow a sibling element with id="myid"

One important point to consider with both the adjacent sibling combinator (E + F) and the general sibling combinator (E ~ F) is that they only select siblings. The notable difference between the two is their respective reach. While the former reaches only to the immediately following sibling element, the latter extends that reach to all of the following sibling elements.

Multiple expressions (E, F, G)

Select all elements matched by any of the selector expressions E, F, or G.


  • $('code, em, strong') selects all <code><em>, and <strong> elements

  • $(‘p strong, .myclass’) selects all <strong> elements that are descendants of a <p>element, as well as all elements that have a class of myclass

This multiple expression combinator is an efficient way to select disparate elements. An alternative to this combinator is the .add() method, DOM Traversal Methods.

Numbered child (:nth-child(n/even/odd/expr))

Select all elements that are the nth child of their parent.


  • $('li:nth-child(2)') selects all <li> elements that are the second child of their parent

  • $('p:nth-child(odd)') selects all <p> elements that are an odd-numbered child of their parent (first, third, fifth, and so on)

  • $('.myclass:nth-child(3n+2)') selects all elements with the class myclass that are the (3n+2)th child of their parent (second, fifth, eighth, and so on)

As jQuery’s implementation of :nth-child(n) is strictly derived from the CSS specification, the value of n is "1-based," meaning that the counting starts at 1. However, for all other selector expressions, jQuery follows JavaScript’s "0-based" counting. Therefore, given a single <ul> containing two <li>s, $('li:nth-child(1)') selects the first <li> while $('li:eq(1)')selects the second.

First child (:first-child)

Select all elements that are the first child of their parent element.


  • $('li:first-child') selects all <li> elements that are the first child of their parent element

  • $(.myclass:first-child') selects all elements with the class myclass that are the first child of their parent element

The :first-child pseudo-class is shorthand for :nth-child(1). For more information on:X-child pseudo-classes, see the Description for the Numbered child selector.

Last child (:last-child)

Select all elements that are the last child of their parent element.

  • $('li:last-child') selects all <li> elements that are the last child of their parent element

  • $(.myclass:last-child') selects all elements with the class myclass that are the last child of their parent element

For more information on :X-child pseudo-classes, see the Description for the Numbered child selector.

Only child (:only-child)

Select all elements that are the only child of their parent element.


  • $(':only-child') selects all elements in the document that are the only child of their parent element

  • $('code:only-child') selects all <code> elements that are the only child of their parent element

Not (:not(E))

Select all elements that do not match the selector expression E.


  • $(':not(.myclass)') selects all elements in the document that do not have the class myclass

  • $('li:not(:last-child)') selects all <li> elements that are not the last child of their parent elements

Empty (:empty)

Select all elements that have no children (including text nodes).


  • $(':empty') selects all elements in the document that have no children

  • $('p:empty') selects all <p> elements that have no children

One important thing to note with :empty (and :parent) is that child elements include text nodes.

Universal (*)

Select all elements.


  • $('*') selects all elements in the document

  • $('p > *') selects all elements that are children of a paragraph element

The universal selector is especially useful when combined with other expressions to form a more specific selector expression.

Attribute selectors

The CSS specification also allows elements to be identified by their attributes. While not widely supported by browsers for the purpose of styling documents, these attribute selectors are highly useful and jQuery allows us to employ them regardless of the browser being used.

When using any of the following attribute selectors, we should account for attributes that have multiple, space-separated values. As these selectors see attribute values as a single string, $(‘a[rel=nofollow]‘); for example, will select <a rel="nofollow" href="example.html">Some text</a> but not <a rel="nofollow self" href="example.html">Some text</a>.

Attribute values in selector expressions can be written as bare words or surrounded by quotation marks. Therefore, the following variations are equally correct:

  • Bare words: $('a[rel=nofollow self]')

  • Double quotes inside single quotes: $('a[rel="nofollow self"]')

  • Single quotes inside double quotes: $("a[rel='nofollow self']")

  • Escaped single quotes inside single quotes: $('a[rel=\'nofollow self\']')

  • Escaped double quotes inside double quotes: $("a[rel=\"nofollow self\"]")

The variation we choose is generally a matter of style or convenience. The authors choose to omit quotation marks in this context for clarity, and the examples that follow reflect this preference.

Attribute ([foo])

Select all elements that have the foo attribute, with any value.


  • $('[rel]') selects all elements that have a rel attribute

  • $('.myclass[style]') selects all elements with the class myclass that have a style attribute

Attribute equals ([foo=bar])

Select all elements that have the foo attribute with a value exactly equal to bar.


  • $('[name=myname]') selects all elements that have a name value exactly equal to myname

  • $('a[rel=nofollow]') selects all <a> elements that have a rel value exactly equal to nofollow

Attribute does not equal ([foo!=bar])

Select all elements that do not have the foo attribute, or have a foo attribute but with a value other than bar.


  • $('a[rel!=nofollow]') selects all <a> elements that either have no rel attribute, or have one with a value other than nofollow

  • $('input[name!=myname]') selects all <input> elements that either have no name attribute, or have one with a value other than myname

As these selectors see attribute values as a single string, the first example will select <a rel="nofollow self" href="example.htm">Some text</a>. Consider the Attribute contains word selector for alternatives to this behavior.

Attribute begins with ([foo^=bar])

Select all elements that have the foo attribute with a value beginning exactly with the string bar.


  • $('[id^=hello]') selects all elements that have an ID beginning with hello

  • $('input[name^=my]') selects all <input> elements that have a name value beginning with my

This selector can be useful for identifying elements in pages produced by server-side frameworks that produce HTML with systematic element IDs.

Attribute ends with ([foo$=bar])

Select all elements that have the foo attribute with a value ending exactly with the string bar.


  • $('[id$=goodbye]') selects all elements that have an ID ending with goodbye

  • $('input[name$=phone]') selects all <input> elements that have a name value ending with phone

Attribute contains ([foo*=bar])

Select all elements that have the foo attribute with a value containing the substring bar.


  • $('[style*=background]') selects all elements that have a style value containing background

  • $('a[href*=example.com]') selects all <a> elements that have an href value containing example.com

This is the most generous of the jQuery attribute selectors that match against a value. It will select an element if the selector’s string appears anywhere within the element’s attribute value. Therefore, $('p[class*=my]') will select <p class="yourclass myclass">Some text</p>, <p class="myclass yourclass">Some text</p> and <p class="thisismyclass">Some text</p>.

Attribute contains word ([foo~=bar])

Select all elements that have the foo attribute with a value containing the word bar, delimited by spaces.


  • $('[class~=myclass]') selects all elements that have the class of myclass (and optionally other classes as well).

  • $('a[rel~=nofollow]') selects all <a> elements with a rel value including nofollow.

This selector matches the test string against each word in the attribute value, where
a “word” is defined as a string delimited by whitespace. The selector matches if the test string is exactly equal to any of the words. Thus, the first example is equivalent to $('.myclass').

Attribute contains prefix ([foo|=bar])

Select all elements that have the foo attribute with a value either equal to bar, or beginning with bar and a hyphen (-).


  • $('[id|=hello]') selects all elements with an ID of hello or an ID that begins with hello-

  • $('a[hreflang|=en]') selects all <a> elements with an hreflang value of en or beginning with en-

This selector was introduced into the CSS specification to handle language attributes. The second example, for instance, matches <a href="example.html" hreflang="en">Some text</a> as well as <a href="example.html" hreflang="en-UK">Some text</a>.

Form selectors

The following selectors can be used to access form elements in a variety of states. When using any of the form selectors other than :input, providing a tag name as well is recommended (for example, input:text rather than :text).

  • Form element (:input): Select all form elements (<input> (all types), <select>, <textarea>, <button>)

  • Text field (:text): Select all text fields (<input type="text">)

  • Password field (:password): Select all password fields (<input type="password">)

  • Radio button (:radio): Select all radio button fields (<input type="radio">)

  • Checkbox (:checkbox): Select all checkbox fields (<input type="checkbox">)

  • Submit button (:submit): Select all submit inputs and button elements (<input type="submit">, <button>)

  • Image button (:image): Select all image inputs (<input type="image">)

  • Reset button (:reset): Select all reset buttons (<input type="reset">)

  • Standard button (:button): Select all button elements and input elements with a type of button (<button>, <input type="button">)

  • File upload (:file): Select all file upload fields (<input type="file">)

  • Enabled form element (:enabled): Select all form elements that are enabled (that is, they do not have the disabled attribute and users can interact with them)

  • Disabled form element (:disabled): Select all form elements that are disabled (that is, they have the disabled attribute and users cannot interact with them)

  • Checked box (:checked): Select all form elements—checkboxes and radio buttons—that are checked

  • Selected option (:selected): Select all form elements (effectively, <option> elements) that are currently selected

Custom selectors

The following selectors were added to the jQuery library in an attempt to address common DOM traversal needs not met by the CSS specification.

Element at index (:eq(n))

Select the element at index n within the matched set.


  • $('li:eq(2)') selects the third <li> element

  • $('.myclass:eq(1)') selects the second element with the class myclass

The selector :nth(n) exists as a synonym of this selector.

The index-related selector expressions (including this selector and the others that follow) filter the set of elements that have matched the expressions that precede them. They narrow the set down based on the order of the elements within this matched set. For example, if elements are first selected with a class selector (.myclass) and four elements are returned, these elements are given indices 0 through 3 for the purposes of these selectors.

Greater than (:gt(n))

Select all elements at an index greater than n within the matched set.


  • $('li:gt(2)') selects all <li> elements following the third one

  • $('.myclass:gt(1)') selects all elements with the class myclass following the second one

See the Description for Element at index, for important details regarding the indexing used by this selector.

Less than (:lt(n))

Select all elements at an index less than n within the matched set.


  • $('li:gt(2)') selects all <li> elements preceding the third one

  • $('.myclass:gt(1)') selects all elements with the class myclass preceding the second one

See the Description for Element at index for important details regarding the indexing used by this selector.

First (:first)

Select the first element within the matched set.


  • $('li:first') selects the first <li> element

  • $('.myclass:first') selects the first element with the class myclass

The :first pseudo-class is shorthand for :eq(0). It could also be written as :lt(1).

Last (:last)

Select the last element within the matched set.


  • $('li:last) selects the last <li> element

  • $('.myclass:last) selects the last element with the class myclass

While :first has equivalent selectors—nth(0) and eq(0)—the :last pseudo-class is unique in its ability to select only the last element in the set of matched elements.

Even element (:even)

Select all elements with an even index within the matched set.


  • $('li:even') selects the even-indexed elements within the set of <li> elements

  • $('.myclass:even') selects the even-indexed elements within the set of elements that have the class myclass

See the Description for Element at index for important details regarding the indexing used by this selector. In particular, note that the 0-based indexing means that, counter-intuitively,:even selects the first element, third element, and so on within the matched set.

Odd element (:odd)

Select all elements with an odd index within the matched set.


  • $('li:odd') selects the odd-indexed elements within the set of <li> elements

  • $('.myclass:odd') selects the odd-indexed elements within the set of elements that have the class myclass

See the Description for Element at index for important details regarding the indexing used by this selector. In particular, note that the 0-based indexing means that, counter-intuitively, :odd selects the second element, fourth element, and so on within the matched set.

Is parent (:parent)

Select all elements that are the parent of another element, including text nodes.


  • $(':parent') selects all elements that are the parent of another element, including text nodes

  • $('td:parent') selects all <td> elements that are the parent of another element, including text nodes

One important thing to note regarding use of :parent (and :empty) is that child elements include text nodes.

Contains text (:contains(text))

Select all elements that contain the specified text.


  • $('p:contains(nothing special)') selects all <p> elements that contain the text nothing special

  • $('li:contains(second)') selects all <li> elements that contain the text second

The matching text can appear directly within the selected element in any of that element’s descendants, or a combination thereof. Therefore, the first example would still select the following paragraph:

<p>This paragraph is <span>nothing <strong>special</strong></span></p>

As with attribute value selectors, text inside the parentheses of :contains() can be written as bare words or surrounded by quotation marks. The text must have matching case to be selected.

Contains element (:has(E))

Select all elements that contain an element matching E.


  • $('p:has(img)') selects all <p> elements that contain an <img> element as a descendant

  • $('.myclass:has(#myid)') selects all elements with the class myclass that contain a descendant with ID myid

This expression matches an element if an element matched by E exists anywhere among the descendants, and not just the direct children.

Visible (:visible)

Select all elements that are visible.


  • $('li:visible') selects all <li> elements that are visible

  • $('.myclass:visible') selects all elements with the class myclass that are visible

The :visible selector matches items that are currently visible on the page. Rather than relying on the CSS properties assigned to the element, such as its display and visibility. jQuery determines whether the element is visible by testing its current width and height.

Hidden (:hidden)

Select all elements that are hidden.


  • $('li:hidden') selects all <li> elements that are hidden

  • $('.myclass:hidden') selects all elements with the class myclass that are hidden

The :hidden selector matches items that are currently hidden on the page. For details on how this determination is made, see the Description for :visible.

Header element (:header)

Select all elements that are headers, such as <h1> or <h2>.


  • $(':header') selects all header elements

  • $('.myclass:header') selects all header elements with the class myclass

Currently animating (:animated)

Select all elements that are in the progress of an animation at the time the selector is run.


  • $(':animated') selects all elements that are currently animating

  • $('.myclass:animated') selects all elements with the class myclass that are currently animating

Fuente: Insic Designs

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