It's back! After an extended hiatus, SafiWorkshop is back on the Linux desktop. Please keep in mind that this is an Alpha version and hasn't been extensively tested.
SafiWorkshop 1.5.3.Alpha Linux 32-bit version is compatible only with SafiServer 1.5.3.Beta . Download them both HERE.
This version of SafiWorkshop does not come packaged with a Java Runtime Environment. For best results we recommend running the SafiWorkshop using the latest JDK (not JRE) available from Oracle
This version of SafiWorkshop uses Sox 14.3.1, compiled on Ubuntu 10.10 32-bit using glibc 2.7. If this version is incompatible with your environment, you'll know it if you're unable to play, record, or convert audio from the Prompt Manager. If so, Linux do-it-yourselfers can update the Sox executable and associated libraries located in '[SafiWorkshop install dir]/plugins/Sox-linux32_14.3.1/sox-14.3.1' as required.
To install, unpack ('tar -xvzf SafiWorkshop_1.5.3.Alpha.Linux32.tar.gz') and run './' shell script.
Fuente: Voip Today
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